Mission & Motivation
ADMONT will contribute to the development of a vivid and competitive ecosystem and ECS industry with production in Europe. With this project we will bridge the gap between research exploitation, industrial development, smart system integration, creating economic and employment growth in the EU. ADMONT plans to provide a unique modular concept utilizing More-than-Moore based key enabling technologies such as micro- and nanoelectronics, photonics and biomedical technology. Furthermore, this project will revolutionize the innovation speed of SMEs by providing the possibility to combine - before ADMONT - isolated process technologies and design capabilities.
ADMONT supplies system integrators with a modular system for combining distinct technologies on wafer level. The project provides a vital and necessary substructure for new products. This encompasses not only process technology but also design and modeling capabilities. Electronics based products will benefit from increased innovation speed and hence accelerated time to market. ADMONT will bring the benefits of innovation to the full value chain - from a production perspective and an end user perspective.
ADMONT will:
- be a driver of miniaturization, reduce manufacturing times of systems by more than 25%, and manufacturing cost down to 70% of today’s electronic systems;
- aim for cost effective and energy efficiency production, robust and stabile processes, technologies and product diversification under MtM production with high yield and excellent quality under world-class environment.